Collect items, make a meal, share your talents – there are many ways to make a difference at Saranam.
Want to get involved at Saranam? There are many ways to help teach, encourage, and connect with our families.
See our current opportunities in our bimonthly newsletter, or check out the full list below!
Ready to connect?
Fill out a volunteer application and email it to Sunny Holmes, or you may send it in the mail to our office at 1028 Eubank NE, Suite F, Albuquerque, NM 87112.
General Ideas to Get Involved
Sort donations in our warehouse
Donate furniture or other household items
Give your time at special events including family field trips, reunions, and family activities
Join a committee to support the planning and implementation of projects and events
Join our board as a member
Property Maintenance– Keep our campus looking clean and beautiful! Help with yardwork tasks, small building and painting projects, and playground upkeep
- Warehouse organizing- Help us maintain the functionality of our warehouse
- Decorate apartments– During the spring and summer, help prepare apartments for incoming families
- Collect and/or sort household supplies –Every month we provide families with essential household items including diapers, soap, and cleaning supplies. Help us fulfill their needs.
Help with Family Nights– Work with families during evening activities. Jobs include helping teach life skills, facilitating family fun activities, and assisting in our library
- Sponsor a fun night! –Can you make some groovy arts and crafts? Does science rock your world? Come share your talent during our weekly community meetings!
- Tutor adults– Bring your expertise to help our adults with their GED prep and college courses.
- Share your skills – Do you have a passion on a life skills topic you can share? We can always use guest speakers to share their experience and expertise. Popular topics include: employability skills, parenting, gardening tips, car care and more.
- Write encouraging messages– Brighten our families’ days with uplifting notes and messages. We’ll post them in our online classes and in emails
- Share a meal– Our families love a good meal from the heart. Make or buy meals, treats, or other grocery items and we will distribute them to families
- Order Family Supplies -Contact us for our current needs and delivery instructions.
In order to ensure the safety of our families, it is imperative that we perform background checks on all volunteers who work regularly with them.
This background check is paid for by Saranam but if you wish to offset this cost, we welcome your donation.