Our Impact

Making change for good – one family at a time.

Our two-generational approach is a permanent solution to homelessness and poverty.

In 2019, the New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness reported that 300 families were homeless in Albuquerque. By working with 8% of this population annually and helping these families successfully reintegrate into our community, Saranam is solving a serious issue for our community. These vulnerable families face economic and social issues that make it hard to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty including:

  • Lack of affordable housing
  • Low educational attainment rates
  • Low pay scale
  • Shortage of mental health resources
  • Rising childcare costs

Succeeding one family at a time
Saranam’s two-generational, residential program, and integrated services – housing, education, and community – help families escape from homelessness and poverty permanently with a proven 77% success rate. Many programs addressing homelessness focus on immediate needs such as shelter, food, or addiction treatment. We work holistically, tackling the causes of homelessness and poverty by working with the entire family over time.

When families exit from Saranam, most adults have earned their GED and some post-secondary or vocational training and education. After all, increased education leads to better employment opportunities and more stable families.


Saranam’s measures of success

When families transition to independent living, we evaluate their progress using these questions. To exit successfully, a family must meet at least three measures of success:

  • 1 Housing: Has the family moved into stable housing?
  • 2 Education: Have the adult members of the family significantly improved their level of education?
  • 3 Employment: Are the adult members of the family employed?
  • 4 Life Skills Management: Have the adult members of the family significantly improved their ability to manage life?
  • 5 Children/Parenting: Have the parents improved their parenting skills?
  • 6 Major Barriers to Stability: Have the adult members of the family addressed the major barriers to their family stability?

Saranam’s by the numbers


Years of Service


Families who have exited from Saranam


Adults served


Children served


Alumni families we have had contact with since exit

And that’s just the beginning! Our Annual Report tells our whole story.

Saranam has a 76% success rate of families exiting our program and able to provide for their own housing, utilities, and living expenses.

… my family has structure and steadiness.
… I have someone to talk to.
… my son has great male role models.
… we are proud of ourselves.
… my teens hang out with great people who care about them.