- A fully furnished apartment
- Cleaning and hygiene supplies
- Saranam pays rent, utilities, and phone
- Adults earn weekly cash
- Monthly transportation allowance
- Supportive community
- Supportive children's program
- On site education (academic and life skills)
- Case management
Saranam is looking for families with people who:
- Are experiencing homelessness
- Are committed to ending their homelessness
- Are sober
- Have custody of at least one minor child
- Can take direction from others
- Desire to be a full-time student
- Desire to set and accomplish goals
- Are willing to not be employed while in school
- Are willing to cooperate with others
- Are committed to change for their family
Saranam is not looking for people who:
- Are not experiencing homelessness
- Do not expect their children to live with them
- Are sober less than 90 days
- Cannot participate in English-based education
- One parent is “in” (committed) and the other is “out”
- Are not interested in being a full-time student
A family must find someone to refer them. Case workers for TANF/CYFD or other programs, case managers, therapists, doctors, pastors/clergy, teachers, or someone outside of the family who has worked with and knows family well are good referral sources. The referral source must complete the Referral Information Questions (included in application) and the family must complete and return the application.
Get the application (online, email, mail or fax) and complete the Referral Information Questions. Be a good screener of your clients – the adults in the family should want to be in school full time (without working).
A lot! Adults must be willing to work hard in their education and work on making changes in themselves and their families. This includes academic work, life skills classes, and financial management. Children must be in school and/or daycare full time. Adults must be willing to set personal and family goals that will help end homelessness, and be willing to work in a group environment. Adults are not allowed to work because their job is to be a full-time student. Adults must be willing to remain sober.
Academic and life skills classes are offered on site during the first part of our program. These include, but are not limited to Reading/Writing and Math classes, GED preparation (if necessary). Our life skills classes include Parenting, Effective Communication, Community Resources, Employability Skills, and more! Adults gradually transition their academic/vocational education to a local college or university (most often CNM).
No, but you may have to alter your schedule so that you will be able to attend our Life Skills classes, which are mandatory.
Our children’s program is designed to help our children build connections in their community through life skills activities, homework help/tutoring, family fun nights, tutoring, reading circles, family yoga, Teen Café, and many other structured activities.
Saranam families live in the same apartment complex and initially are in classes together four days per week. There are ample opportunities to learn how to live in community. Sometimes this is about celebrating holidays and events together and providing neighborly support. Sometimes it is about learning conflict resolution strategies. Saranam staff can help facilitate both.
Saranam is a very structured program. We have a handbook of rules and follow a schedule based on semesters. There are specific daily participation expectations of all family members in the program. In addition to the basic structure, each family’s transition plan provides an individualized program to complement the basic structure.
Saranam has two campuses. The Eastside campus is in the vicinity of Eubank and Lomas NE. The Westside campus is
in the vicinity of Montano and Taylor Ranch NW. Pictures of the apartments are available on our website. There are 2, 3, and 4 bedroom apartments available and assigned based on the size of the family. All apartments are fully furnished.
No. A family will never pay rent or anything else to Saranam.
Please let us know (either in the Referral Information questions or on the phone). It is important that we understand the nature of the concerns (i.e. stalking, drug connections, gang involvement, restraining orders, etc.) in order to address them and keep everyone as safe as possible.
Saranam pays the bulk of your living expenses, including rent, utilities, and monthly hygiene and cleaning supplies. You are expected to apply for Medicaid, SNAP (food stamps), subsidized child care (NM ECED child care assistance), and WIC. You are not allowed to receive TANF benefits while at Saranam. You will earn a weekly cash allowance and receive transportation assistance from Saranam.
No. Saranam does not discriminate against anyone. The minimum family requirement is one adult who is legally connected (and living with) one minor child. If the children don’t live with the adult, we will want to understand this circumstance and determine the likelihood of the children returning to the parent’s custody during their time in our program. Saranam families come from all walks of life and all are welcome here.
Website: www.saranamabq.org or
Contact: Jennifer Mullen, Program Director
Phone: (505) 917-3149 Email: Jmullen@saranamabq.org
Saranam has two application periods in the spring and summer. Please check our website for specific dates.