Filling the Home with Love

It is February and love is in the air! One of the most touching examples of love we see every year is from our volunteer decorators. Everything from the dishes, towels and pillows placed with thoughtful consideration shows the passion and care that volunteer decorators bring to each home. Families may begin at Saranam as strangers, but a carefully filled home is their first indication of the nurturing they will receive while they are here.

Typically, each decorator team has 5-6 weeks to plan, select, and coordinate the set-up of the homes. For the new homes at Saranam’s ADC Family Campus, the decorators were poised for months while waiting for the green light on the Certificate of Occupancy. Once it was in hand, the decorators had just 2 weeks to make final selections, set up the entire home, and make last-minute changes!

Decorator Insight

We interviewed a passionate first-time volunteer decorator, Lorrie Stepetic, who was a part of the ADC Family Campus setup. She has volunteered in other roles with Saranam since 2023, helping at Halloween parties, family art projects, and holiday gift giving. Lorrie shared her insight into how her first venture into decorating expresses her love and support for families in her community.

What excited you about getting involved, as a decorator, with Saranam?

It was exciting to know the new apartments were coming along and wanted to help provide a comfortable, cozy, and welcoming home for someone stepping through the door. I’m not an experienced decorator, but working with teams and reconnecting with others was also exciting.

What does it feel like to be decorating a home for a family you have never met before?

Not knowing the family’s past, it doesn’t matter, because they are here now and doing what’s best for themselves and their family. Being able to get into a house and gain stability— that’s what is important.

What is a wish you have for a family as they walk through the front door to begin a new chapter of their life?

It’s hard to put into words, I get emotional. I hope this home brings a sense of calm and peace into their lives so they can do their best to prepare for a job and permanent home for their families.

Welcoming Beginning

Lorrie and others from her church paired up with a veteran decorator group from another local church. The team was flexible as they learned about the balance between setting up while not adding too much so families can make it their own. “We want to make it a welcoming beginning.”, said Lorrie. She can’t wait to decorate another home with her team!

What makes a house a home? People and the love that goes into things placed in it, like your trusty wooden spoon or a pillow to lay your head on. In setting up the homes, decorators wrap their hearts around these brave families to wish them every success that lies ahead of them. Thank you to Lorrie, and all the decorators, for sharing your passion, time, and lending a decorator’s eye to make these houses a HOME.

Link here to see virtual tours of more homes at Saranam ADC Family Campus.

>>Want to get Involved?

If you would like to get involved by donating household items, becoming a decorator or giving paper or cleaning supplies to fill the cabinets, contact Sunny Holmes, Community Engagement Coordinator at or Jen Clear, Housing Coordinator at for more details.